Story telling with Scrath Jr

In storytelling we find that the sequence of a story is similar to the sequences we can find in different coding apps. Why? Because coding is basically the process of breaking a big problem in smaller parts to get to the objectives of our code. 1. Watch the following story: 2. Can you help us organize the story? A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. J. K. Order of the story is: 1= A 2=? 3=? 4=? 5=? 6=? 7=? 8=? 9=? 10=? 2. . Let's practice our sequence and storytelling skills by playing the following game: - Put the number in the correct order of each story, which part is 1? and 2? 3? 4? 3. Do you remember Scratchy's Lost Ball story? Watch the video once again: 4 . Can you edit the beginning of the story with the help of Scratch Jr? Things to keep i...