Create Your Own Command Cards

In our class we work with command cards to practice our coding skills offline, and now is time to create our own!

Before we start we should practice the main vocabulary we use:

- Forward
- Right
- Left
- Stop


1. Let's practice the LEFT and RIGHT by dancing:

Watch the video of the Hokey Pokey! Dance and sing along:

2. Now that you're all pumped up let's start creating!

What do we need?
- Something to draw on, blank sheets or cardboard paper
- Pencil, markers, colors, crayons

Step 1

To make better use of the paper we can cut them in 4 smaller rectangles shapes. A total of 10 rectangles.

How to divide A4 papers into 4 equal squares on a Word document ...

Step 2
Draw on each rectangles a big ARROW, you can decorate the arrows however you want.
In total 8 arrows:
- Forward 3x
- Right 3x
- Left 3x

Big arrow left | Free Icon
Step 3
Draw one big HAND on one of the rectangles. This hand will be used as the command: STOP

Drawing Of A Hand For Kids

3. Let's play find the treasure! 2 Players

For this game we'll use the map we made in the previous activity (Click HERE to see previous activity)

How to Play?

- Hide the treasure (it can be anything, likea toy)

- One player uses the commands to guide the other player to the treasure by making different combinations with the cards.

- The second player follows the commands to get to the treasure.

- Watch the following video to remember how we play in class with the command cards.


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